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Winnipeg Chapter

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About Our Chapter

Our Winnipeg chapter has been focused on bringing relief to the city’s needy since 1998. Some of the projects we have created or facilitated include a free 2-week summer camp for kids who are wards of Child and Family Services agencies, providing life skills classes to youth who are in the foster care system or living independently, Christmas parties for inner city families, and serving the Winnipeg community through community cleanups, barbecues and blood drives.

Winnipeg Volunteers at a kitchen
HOPE worldwide Canada Volunteers
Winnipeg Chapter Members at Christmas Event

Volunteer Opportunities

HOPE Volunteer Corps (HVC) Winnipeg 2024

July 28th to August 10th, 2024, we'll be hosting volunteers from across North America as we run our Max Out Summer! day-camp for youth in foster care and youth affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. We're needing plenty of volunteers from Winnipeg to make the event a success and plenty of HVC participants from across the world to make the day camp memorable for children in need.

To find out more about HVC Winnipeg, click the button below.

Ongoing Programs

Coming Soon...

Recent News



Aimee Bowcott

Winnipeg Co-Chapter Director

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Marcia Smith

Winnipeg Co-Chapter Director

Aimee Bowcott has been a HOPE worldwide volunteer for over 20 years and is honoured to be able to give in any capacity, whether giving blood, community clean ups, making food, packing supplies, facilitating life skills sessions or helping out in the background organizing events. She works as a Regional Manager for Community Nutrition. Though a Dietitian by profession, one of her favourite hobbies is baking (nothing healthy)! The rest of her time is spent with family: her husband Jordan, two sons Aidan and JJ, and of course their dog Buddy!

Marcia moved from London, England to Winnipeg, Manitoba in 2008 where she currently lives with her husband Courtney and their two sons Joel and Nathan. She has served the Winnipeg Chapter in a variety of capacities including helping to organize a fun Christmas event for families in need, arranging volunteer opportunities at Siloam Mission, and co-ordinating essential foods donations for the Main Street Project as well as for youth aging out of foster care. Marcia works as a Senior Analyst for the Manitoba Government and loves to travel and spend quality time with her family.

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