“Teamwork makes the dream work” – this couldn’t be more true for the Winnipeg chapter of HOPE worldwide Canada. As we reflect on the past year in celebrating our amazing volunteers there are many examples of collaboration with community groups and volunteers working together to bring hope and change lives!

January brought an opportunity to partner with École Leila North to support families in need. Our volunteers focused on collecting clothing for youth while teachers and students collected non-perishable foods to help fill the cupboards. In previous years, staff and students have generously provided props for an annual picnic event and have also collected cases of non-perishable foods to support our Stock the Shelves drive (see both below!). What a great partnership!
February saw many of our volunteers young and old braving the cold alongside other charitable groups to raise funds for Main Street Project as part of the “Coldest Night of the Year” charity walk.
The spring months were focused on our partnership with Winnipeg Child and Family Services. The month of March was spent engaging friends and family to help collect necessities (food and household products) to “Stock the Shelves” for youth struggling to make ends-meet. During April and May (as well as in the autumn months) volunteers were busy teaching life skills classes to youth preparing for independent living while in care.
In May close to 200 of our friends, family and community partners came out for a delicious breakfast while helping us raise $1,745 to support the Centers of HOPE in the Philippines. At the end of May volunteers joined forces with Centennial Community Improvement Association to help clean the neighbourhood while building friendships along the way.

The summer was a time for picnics and festivals! Volunteers helped with face painting, serving food and playing games with kids and families at the Kids in Kare picnic hosted by Winnipeg Child and Family Services. Our HOPE chapter and OHEYS Autism Programs teamed up for another fun Autism Community Family picnic featuring hot dogs, games and a superhero photo-booth with a backdrop created by students at École Leila North! We also promoted our programs at the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival – a partnership that has lasted for many years.
In July and August the Winnipeg chapter hosted our second HOPE Volunteer Corps where volunteers from across North America travelled to Winnipeg to serve as Camp Counsellors for youth living in foster care in our 2 week Max Out! Summer day camp.

In early October - 31 dedicated volunteers braved the rain walking and riding to raise over $7,000 for our local programs in the Ride for Refuge.
We ended off the year with the Max Out! The Holidays pancake breakfast and family fun event. Families that participated in the Max Out! Summer day camp were reunited with many of the volunteers from the summer to celebrate the season together. Our plan is to continue with this relationship and hold other events throughout the year.

Wow what a busy year! Please help us to honour our volunteers with a virtual hug and high five! We are unable to hold our annual volunteer appreciation service due to the current COVID-19 pandemic but rest assured that we are still busy trying to find creative ways to serve our community during this challenging time.