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Volunteer Spotlight: Evelyn Trickett

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

 – Matt 5:16  

Evelyn is typically described as vibrant, adventurous, humorous, and full of energy.

She is also well known for her positive outlook and passion for running, having finished seven marathons. Like a ray of sunshine, she undoubtedly adds brightness to any room she enters.

Her fun-loving nature, love for God and heart of gratitude are the reason behind her generosity in giving back. She has supported HOPE worldwide Canada programs by running, biking, cleaning up the shoreline, and selling pastries in order to raise money for HOPE in Action.

In 2022, she suffered a serious bike accident on her way to the running track, severely injuring her right leg. She was informed that she would need much time to recover before being able to run or even walk. Evelyn continued to inspire others despite this challenge, refusing to let them bring her down or cause her to wallow in self-pity.  After a year of rehabilitation as we saw, Evelyn overcame the odds. 

In July 2023, this driven woman succeeded in doing what she loved the most, running! She completed her first five (5) km run following the incident!

Evelyn has continued to give back because of her steadfast devotion and dedication with greater gratitude in her heart and as of today, she is now formally a member of our Vancouver HOPE Team! In addition to her volunteer work at the Hope Toy Drive in 2023, she now searches for new volunteer opportunities, assists with bible studies, sings in the church choir and other work to support the church and the community.

Selflessness, according to Mahatma Gandhi is a source of strength. In the face of hardships and obstacles, Evelyn is a living example of this; she trusted God, made the most of what she had, and persisted in using her strength and talent to assist others rather than giving up. Because of this, God hasn’t stopped blessing her, she has encouraged others and carried out incredible deeds.

It is a pleasure to work alongside Evelyn, a sister, friend, fellow runner, and coach in support of HOPE.


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