The Milk Bags Project, started in our Toronto East chapter, has now spread to the Toronto West chapter and Kingston Chapter. Through the enthusiasm of our volunteers, the project continues to grow bigger and better, making an impact throughout the world.
In March and April, events were held in the West in Mississauga and the East at Milestones Christian Ministries in Ajax.
In Toronto East 33 volunteers attended. They completed seven mats and taught volunteers from another small church how to start this initiative at their own church. The atmosphere was great as usual everyone came with the one purpose in mind, to get as many mats finished as quickly as possible.
In the West, the mat making event was held at Glen Forest Secondary School in Mississauga. 20 volunteers turned up and and were able to complete seven mats.
These milk bags, which would otherwise be garbage, are transformed into sleeping mats, pillows, and purses. They are washable and quick to dry, and provide an alternative to sleeping on the damp, hard ground.
These mats are sent to the less fortunate around the world, including Haiti and Philippines.
Toronto West Chapter volunteers
Since the project started HOPEworldwide of Canada has made 101 mats. You can see more pictures from the two events at our Facebook page