For the third year in a row, volunteers and friends from the Halifax Chapter of HOPE worldwide Canada ran in the “Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon” annual fundraiser to raise awareness of projects that HOPE worldwide of Canada supports both locally and across the world.
The Halifax chapter joined the marathon for the first time three years ago with a simple goal, to run 10 km and to hopefully, by faith, raise $ 10,000. They called it “10k for 10k”. With each passing year, they have been more amazed and astounded by the overwhelming generosity of their supporters and sponsors.
In May, the team were thrilled to smash their previous fundraising goals and when the final tally came in, Halifax had raised $ 26,289.00!

These funds will go a long way to support HOPE worldwide projects in the Philippines
(Tacloban Center) and pay for post-elementary education for a number of students who have graduated from the HOPE School in Kathmandu Nepal. In Halifax, funds will also be used to support local programs such as the Sunday Suppers, a walk in Foot Clinic and Back to School supplies for youth in need.
For more information and to get involved with our work in Halifax please contact the chapter director Greg Taylor at greg.taylor@hopewwcanada.org