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5th Annual Stock the Shelves Drive is the Biggest Yet!

Our amazing volunteers in Winnipeg collected two FULL truck/carloads of food, personal hygiene items and household supplies for the pantry at Winnipeg Child and Family Services. This office serves over 100 youth age 18 to 21 who are in the process of transitioning to life on their own. At times these young people end up with as little as $30 per month for groceries – what many of us spend on our daily coffee for a week. These donated supplies help to meet direct needs of youth that are struggling to make ends meet. Debbie Smith, Chair of Winnipeg CFS Volunteer Connections, states” Kids with families can go home for family dinners or raid the family fridge from time to time, however, most of our kids on Independent Living are sadly often on their own… these donations help the kids to feel less alone.”

Image: Hope volunteers loading up a truck Image: Delivering the donations to CFS

A very special thank you to Diane Nickel’s grade 7 class at École Leila North who collected more than 12 boxes of supplies over the month of March. Diane is both proud and inspired by her students’ loving and caring hearts. It is a great opportunity for her students to develop gratitude for the things they may take for granted and at the same time feel like they can really make a difference.

We truly appreciate everyone who canvassed their friends, family and workplaces for the 5th year in a row – helping us to bring some hope to these youth who are on their own in many ways.

For more information on how you can get involved with next year's Stock the Shelves drive, please contact

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