On Saturday, April 25th 2016 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, which was the worst natural disaster to strike the country in over 80 years killing nearly 9,000 people and injuring 22,000 others across the nation. This was followed by a second, magnitude 7.1 quake 21 days later. This tragedy prompted a global outpouring of love and support, which served as the foundation of our partnership, which has led to collaborating on several programs over the years. These include:
Building the Chhaimale Village Center and Factory, which will help in sustainable development by adding value to the farmers cash crops and also to reduce the costs of loans.
HOPE worldwide Nepal will manage the Factory and Community Centre on a “not for profit” basis while all funds generated will be used to maintain and develop the centre. In addition to processing fruit, making jam and pickles, the centre will also provide training classes for farm development, computer, and English classes.
Supporting students at the Asha Vidhyashram School (a Program of HOPE worldwide Nepal) in Kathmandu which has 120 students ages 4 to 13 in 7 Classes: Nursery, KG, and Classes 1-5.
The school was established in 1994 and is recognized by the Education Ministry of the Nepal Government. During the first 16 years of the school’s operation, more than 500 students have received an education here. HOPE worldwide Canada has provided school supplies, a printer and other support to the students
Sponsoring and fully funding the 3-year Nursing fees for Riya Rokka, a graduate of the HOPE School in Kathmandu, who had the desire and the capabilities to pursue these studies, but whose family could not afford the fees due to their economic situation.
Several volunteers from HOPE worldwide Canada travelling to Nepal to serve on multiple HOPE worldwide Volunteer Corps, lending their expertise in education, project management and healthcare to collaborate with local in country staff and volunteers.
To visit the HOPE worldwide Nepal website, click here.
Contact: Greg Taylor